Sunday, August 3, 2008

Water 4 Gas: Hype or Reality?

Recently a great revolution has taken place in the automobile sector. The rising fuel prices and the pinch on the pocket have forced people to look out for other means which can substitute gasoline in the vehicles. The other requirement is the substitute should be a renewable natural product which should be cheaper than gasoline and easily available. The answer was immediately found. Researchers immediately found the solution. They used the water energy to run the vehicles and save the cost of gasoline. This technology was developed nearly thirty years ago but was put to use only a few years back. Let us see whether it is hype or a reality.

How does Water 4 Gas Work?

The working of the Water 4 gas is very simple. The water molecules are split with a special device that is installed in the car. The Hydrogen obtained from these molecules is used as power supplement in the car. It is called half water half gas as it supplements the gas when the need arises. How? Suppose you are driving on the road and the fuel meter reaches to zero under normal condition your car will stop on the way and you will be stranded till help arrives or you take a can and walk down to the nearest fuel station.

But if you have the Water 4 Gas installed then you will just have to switch on the generator and the water molecules will be converted into Hydrogen which will serve as fuel for your car and help you to reach the fuel station where you can refuel your car and proceed towards your destination. This is the procedure by which this system works. After Hydrogen burns down the thing that is left behind is water which is not at all harmful.

What are the advantages of Water 4 Gas?

There are many advantages of Water 4 Gas. The main advantage is; fuel is saved as the burning of fuel can be minimized by switching over to water power whenever you need it. Secondly there is no harmful emission of smoke or gas in the air as the thing that is left behind is water which is not harmful. It does not affect the car nor does it corrode the car parts as the cars are always manufactured in such a way that a little bit of water vapor will not harm the car. The mileage will be the same as in gasoline. The cost of installation is less and maintenance is also easy.
Now it is up to you to decide whether Water 4 gas is hype or reality.
More info at cheap_fuel

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Only a Better Car can have a Better Mileage: Is It True?

In this modern world of Research and Technology many new researches are going on and many products are being introduced in the market but it is the ultimate truth that the vehicle run on gasoline is giving the best result and is mostly preferred by all the people. This is the reason that the price of fuel is going on rising as no other technique has been able to establish itself as the complete substitute of gasoline.

This clearly proves that gasoline will be required to keep the vehicles moving. Though the high prices of fuel is a cause of concern throughout the world still there is no ultimate solution to the problem. It is true that only a better car can have a better mileage. But what is the meaning of better car? Better car does not mean a new modified car so what is the meaning of a better car?

Meaning of a better car

Better car means a car which runs smoothly and gives good mileage but consumes less fuel. This is not a technical jargon or a new discovery. It is an age old theory that the vehicle can give you life long rides without creating any problem is that vehicle which is well maintained. A vehicle can be well maintained by following all the requisite steps given in the dealers or manufacturers manual which will take care of all the problems and help you to get better mileage. This does not mean that only once when the car is new the maintenance is done and then no attention is paid towards the vehicle. To get a better car some strategies of maintenance have to be followed methodically.

What are the maintenance strategies?

There are few basic measures which have to be followed regularly to make your car a better car. Always check the air filter as a clean air filter will increase the performance level of the machine. This will help you to cover more distance without consuming much fuel and that will improve the mileage. Check the air in the tires as deflated tires will drag the car and consume more fuel which will also lower the mileage efficiency of the car. Change the oil at the prescribed time or at the prescribed miles covered, which ever is earlier. Keep the carburetor clean so that there is free flow of fuel to the machine and no obstruction occurs as this will also affect the mileage. Remove excess weight from the car and drive at normal speed. Follow these strategies and make the car you own a better car which will give better mileage.
For more info please visit cheap fuel

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How Can You Double Your Mileage?

The increasing fuel price has shaken everybody to the core. If we look around we will find that all the people who are using any type of vehicle is asking this question, how can we double our mileage? Yes, doubling the mileage will surely give a lot of relief as it will reduce the use of fuel. This will help to save money. There are many ways of reducing fuel consumption and increasing the mileage of your vehicle. You can develop some habits and methods related to efficient driving and save fuel or you can use the products which claim to increase mileage but may not be as fruitful as it claims to be.

What is the best method to double mileage?

The best method that can be adopted to double the mileage is the new system which offers the use of half water half fuel strategy. Through this system you will contribute towards preservation of nature and the environment as there will be lesser smoke and gas to pollute the environment and increase global warming. The installation of the water system will save the money that you were thinking of investing on a new car fitted with all the latest devices. It is very easy to install the system in the vehicle with the kit which provides all the tools so that you can do the fitting by yourself. This system converts water into hydrogen which is used as a substitute for fuel.

Advantages of the half water half fuel system

It will reduce the use of fuel and help in saving money. It is the best method of doubling the mileage at low cost. There will be no pollution problem as there will be no foul emission of gas. The only thing that will remain behind is water. It will increase the engine performance as there will be less deposit of carbon on the engine as the system helps to remove carbon. If the fuel meter of your vehicle reaches nil you will not be stranded on the road, you can immediately convert the system to the water fuel through the generator and refuel your vehicle and take it up to the fuel station to get a refill. It keeps the car cool so the fuel efficiency is increased.

So you see this half fuel half water system is the best way to double the mileage of your vehicle without incurring any heavy monetary cost. It also increases the life of the engine and helps to double the mileage of the vehicle at low cost. This is the system which can be easily induced by anybody whether he is using a car, a truck or a big car.

Get tips and guides here : Cheap fuel

Sunday, July 13, 2008

How to Save Diesel and Gas and Increase Mileage at the Same Time

Do you watch the news or read the newspaper? Then you might have seen or read about the sky rocketing price of fuel. The graph of the steep rise in oil prices and the global concern about the decreasing level as it is a non renewable natural resource has awakened people from their slumber. The same is the case with all of us as the impact is falling directly on us. We are paying the high price from our hard earned money. Why pay much when we can follow few simple rules and save diesel and gas. By saving diesel and gas we will have double profit as it will increase the mileage of the vehicle. No, don’t take it as idle talk it is reality. Just try them out and then take a decision.

Try to Drive as less as Possible

Trying to drive less does not mean that you have to keep your vehicle in the garage as a showpiece. What you have to do is walk down to the place where you have to go if it is at a short distance. Try to avail a bus ride or use a carpool. Combine your trip; which means if you have to go to a long distance think of all the work that you can complete en-route so that you can save fuel. Park your vehicle at the first parking place and do not hesitate to walk down to the place where you want to go. Walking a little distance will not be a trouble.

Be a smart Driver

To be a smart driver you have to do some initial home work so that you are able to develop the required habits. Drive at a consistent speed so that you don’t have to use the break or the accelerator frequently. If you have to go to an outlet for a short time park your car and then go. Try to minimize the use of air-condition in the vehicle. At first you will find some difficulty but alter on you will get used to it.

Try to keep some distance from the vehicle in front of you so that you can anticipate its movement which will minimize the use of the brake. If you cannot remember the road signals on your route keep a map so that you can navigate at the signals and save fuel. Keep an eye on the rod light and if you see that it is red slow down from a distance as it is easier to pick up speed with a slow vehicle. Try to avoid those places which are overcrowded like market places, or store fronts. Park your vehicle in the shade to keep the car cool and prevent evaporation of gasoline.

Follow the above tips and save diesel and gas and increase the mileage of your vehicle to keep your money safe in your pocket.
For more info please visit cheap fuel

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Can You Increase Your Mileage with HHO Gas Conversion?

Can you increase your mileage with HHO gas conversion? This question is being discussed by each and every one at every nook and corner. Of course all of us know the reason for this is the steep rise in the fuel price which is slicing into the income packet. Everyone is worried and is on the look out for an alternative method by which the problem of fuel price can be solved without having to forego the comforts of owning a vehicle and using it daily for all purposes. Many people have taken alternative steps by switching over to the latest models of hybrid cars or eco friendly bikes. But this is not the exact solution for the problem. Let us think about a way which will not allow our vehicles to become showpieces or a museum article. That can be done by using HHO gas.

What is HHO Gas?

HHO gas means the combination of two parts of Hydrogen and one part of Oxygen. This gas burns efficiently and can produce lots of energy which can be used to generate any type of machine. How is this gas obtained? It is very easy to make this gas. The raw material that is required is simple tap water which is charged with electricity which can be taken from the battery of your vehicle. This charging helps to separate the HHO gas from water. HHO is the gas which gives the energy of hydrogen and the chemical product that is left behind is water which is in no way harmful to the environment or to the living beings on earth. HHO has the potentiality which is three times higher than gasoline.

How mileage can be increased with HHO?

It is true that you can’t have a car that runs totally on water. This method uses the technology of half water and half gas which means that the energy of the hydrogen gas is provided on demand. The use of this technology while driving the vehicle helps to keep the engine cool and clean which increases the efficiency of the engine and if the engine is problem free than automatically the mileage will increase. There is no clogging in the air filter so any chance of the engine being overheated is eliminated. The vehicle can ply smoothly which will automatically help in getting increased mileage. All the problems of carbon deposit which is caused due to the unburned fuel will be solved. So the final result is increase in mileage without extra cost and in an eco friendly way as the end produce is water.
For more info please visit Cheap fuel site

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4 Effective Ways to Increase Mileage

Fuel price is making a big hole in the pocket isn’t it? A problem that has not only affected our pockets but has also snatched our peace of mind. You might have read and discussed about all the available methods and options that will help you to increase mileage and reduce fuel consumption. But have you really tried them? Think about it, and if you have tried those measures and didn’t get fruitful result please go through this page thoroughly and try out the 4 simple ways to effectively increase your mileage and save the fuel. It is a promise that you will get positive result. But again there is a request, do not read this page just to pass time. Implement the measures and then pass the final verdict.

Change the Oil regularly

Change the oil regularly to boost the mileage. Clean oil will help the engine to function smoothly as there will be less accumulation of carbon and dirt which will surely increase the mileage as a smooth running engine will not have any starting problem neither will it create any problem on the road by suddenly stopping due to blockage.

Don’t Overload

This is a common habit that you have to change immediately. Take out all the unnecessary items from the vehicle, whether it is inside the vehicle or in the boot of the vehicle. Do not load anything on the top of the vehicle. Light weight will surely help the vehicle to move smoothly as there will be no dragging due to unnecessary weight. This will increase the mileage at low fuel consumption.

Tuning the Engine

Every fortnight tune your engine by checking the spark plugs and keeping them clean. Check the spark timing and the fuel ratio as improper fuel ratio will give less mileage. Also keep the carburetor clean so that the engine can function smoothly and give good mileage. The air filters should be checked regularly and kept clean. If required the filter should be replaced this will surely increase the mileage of the vehicle as it will run smoothly without any breakdown

Drive Wisely

Stay within the prescribed speed limit. It has been observed that sixty miles per hour speed limit is the most ideal limit where you neither need to slow down nor accelerate. This smooth driving will help you to get more mileage. Avoid sudden starts and stops by driving smoothly and always keep in mind the traffic while driving. Also keep a road map which will indicate the lanes and turns so that you don’t have to apply sudden brakes.

Use these simple and practical methods and you will surely get positive result.
For more tips please visit. Cheapfuel

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Can You Increase Your Gas Mileage

Yes, a big question mark isn’t it? You can feel the pinch on your pocket but do not know what to do about it. Thinking what I am talking about? I am talking about the fuel price which is constantly rising and taking away a big slice of our income through our vehicles that we are using for commuting. We all need a solution for this problem which can be practically applicable. If the gas mileage is increased it will be double no triple saving. How? By saving gas we will save money, fuel and the environment. Just read on to find out how the gas mileage can be increased.

Regular maintenance and tire check

Your vehicle is a machine and it is an age old fact that maintenance helps to keep the machine in good health. The vehicle should be properly tuned. There should be no starting problem because turning on the ignition key continuously will burn more fuel. Check the tires and keep them inflated as per the requirement mentioned in the manufacturer’s manual. This is necessary because flat tires will drag the vehicle and consume more gas. Check the wheel alignment as the smooth movement of the vehicle is dependant on proper wheel alignment.

Drive steadily and turn off when not required

Maintain a steady speed limit. Do not drive too fast or too slow. Fast driving will consume more fuel as you will have to use the brakes frequently at turns or in congested area this will increase fuel consumption. Slow driving will drag the vehicle which will again be wastage of fuel. If you have to stop at any traffic or for some other work switch off the car engine. If you are in the traffic running the engine will consume more fuel than restarting your vehicle. Park your car if you have to go to the bank or to the shop for a short while.

Use your air-condition sparingly and Combine trips

Try to minimize the use of your air-condition as switching on the air-condition will consume extra fuel. Use the vents to keep the interior cool and it will be good for your health as you will get fresh air. Try to park your vehicle in the shade so that the load on the air condition can be reduced. If you have to go to a distance place for some work then try to complete all the other work which you may have to do on that route or at that place. This will save fuel, energy and time. Plan your trip in such a way that you can complete all your work at one go.
Try these small measures and you will be able to save some money in your wallet.

For more info and tips go to Cheap fuel